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Safe drive stay alive

The increasing number of motor vehicle population in Indonesia or another country make increasing accident rate. For that every motorist should be able to behave and be careful while on the road.

Of course accidents that often occur can not be denied, but there are two main things that determine. The first came from a used vehicle and a second course of the riders themselves. Don't forget to insurance your vehicle

And of the two it is split into 8 important factor. Because by understanding the 8 major factor if only the driver can avoid an unexpected accident.

1. Brake Systems
The first four factors are the technical side on a vehicle. For road safety, the braking system on
vehicle to be a major factor. Thus the brake shoes / pads and brake fluid also should be checked regularly.

Do not wait for the sound of screeching brakes too deafening or even be relieved when brakes. Especially during the rainy season and often face such as the current floods, the brake system will be easy to get dirty. And if lazy to clean brake then prepare your life short.

2. Wheel
In avoiding the occurrence of traffic accidents, a vehicle must also be supported by a good wheel grip. Wheels on
vehicles is an important factor, because the less traction wheel can be bad.

Wheels with brake system will be relevant. Brakes are good quality if not supported by a good tire is useless, and vice versa. The main daily vehicle tires is to have endurance and the ability to properly dispose of the water as it passes through the wet roads.

To improve the performance of the vehicle's wheels can make modifications. By replacing wheels that has a lighter weight than the standard, then the vehicle will be little stopping power assisted. Because the lighter weight of the vehicle that will help working brake system.

3. Technology
In the development of automotive technology currently manufacturers also compete to provide high levels of security. On vehicles
minimal current ABS brake system has been applied. The more expensive vehicle safety features are also promoted more complete.

From the airbags, sensors and radar detection of objects behind and in front of the vehicle even connected with automatic brake system. Another technology that is very important to avoid accidents is technology blind spot. Unfortunately this technology
was used only a few luxury cars only.

4. Visibility
In driving the driver is required to have good visibility. Because there is rarely an accident that occurred due to driver fatigue drowsy driving force for. SIM only candidate to get the driver's vision will be tested.

In terms of visibility is also supported by the selection of window film on cars or also the selection of glass helmets for bikers. In everyday usage either film or glass helmet should not have any darkness level above 35 percent.

5. Driving Ability
Easy it is to get a driver's license (SIM) in Indonesia could be one of the level of accidents that occur. Case
This is also often met an accident occurs because of the ability to drive a vehicle that is less.

Skils Driving a vehicle driver must have been very important. And even now to a new SIM maker applicant should be mandatory
joined the practice test. In addition, some automotive communities were also frequently hold events driving skils which aim to
improve the ability to drive a vehicle.

In order to have good driving skills, one thing that must be understood by the rider, which is to understand the character
vehicle. Because each type and vehicle type has a different character depending on the specifications of the
has. With a basic understanding of the kind and type of vehicle the ability to drive will also tertunjang well.

6. Control of Emotions
A motorist was also charged emotionally in control when driving. Because people are easily ignited emotions while driving could prove to further exacerbate the existing traffic situation.

Moreover, as in Indonesia's big cities are known for high levels of congestion. Long traffic jams and hot temperatures can be combined in the one ticking time bomb. For the self-control and understanding of the situation is critical in driving.

If you are able to control your emotions well be able to avoid the accident. With the cold of your mind will be able to think clearly and not easy to accelerate vehicle misplaced due to momentary emotion appear.

7. Read Situation
Another important factor that must be owned by the rider is able to read the situation, the conditions and movements - movements of other riders. Thus the concentration and focus on the road is also a key demand.

One example we have encountered many drivers of vehicles about to change lanes or turn forget to sign first. Of course this makes irritated motorists behind it. But usually even forget the turn signal, every person who was about to turn will have a mark or characteristic.

Ranging from slow to move - the driver's head movements. Of this course is required sensitivity another driver who was behind it. However, the most severe when the rider does not have any signs and suddenly turn and switch sides. Therefore subject to influences 5th.

8. Drug / Gadgets
The last important factor in avoiding accidents when driving is to avoid the use of drugs and also
the influence of alcohol. In the event that these drugs not only on drugs, but also prescription drugs that can cause drowsiness.

Furthermore also the use of gadgets or even mobile phones while driving. The usual driver driving while messaging will increas degree of danger is more severe accidents than drivers under the influence of liquor. For the rider who wants to make an important messages can be pulled earlier than endanger yourself and others.

Tag : Automotive
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