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Green Tea Agains Fat body

The benefits of green tea for health has indeed can not be doubt. Plants that are known to originate from Chinese can be enjoyed throughout the world. Camellia sinesis, that's the scientific name. This plant can be grown in the mountainous area that's cool. With the root, green tea is growing high around 4 to 8 ft. The leaves have a distinctive smooth out the edges. While the tea flowers are white.

The benefits of green tea which is currently the most recognized its ability is to lose weight. This drink must be included in the diet as one of the healthy nutrients but help reduce fat body.

The Benefits Of Green Tea – The Following List Of Benefits

Following these, green tea benefits for health.
  • Green tea can be used as material for the prevention of cancer, especially skin cancer. High Antioksidannya will prevent free radicals into the body. Therefore, many currently face cream or body lotion using green tea as its main ingredient.

green tea

  • The smooth and soft skin is always yearning to every woman. Consume green tea regularly or make it the ingredients in skin care nourish the skin so the skin will be free from pimples, black spots, as well as a black eye circles due to lack of sleep.
  • Other than skin cancer, and other types of cancer are preventable. In addition to the antioxidant, green tea polyphenols, which also contained the ingredient reaches 40%. Testing by researchers has committed, and proven to prevent many kinds of cancer.
  • For those who want to have a good brain intelligence with his memory is awake. Then the rajin-rajinlah of drinking green tea. Green tea could protect the brain function and it works. So too with her nerves system. You will have a good memory and it is not easy to forget.
  • Diet with green tea have been examined by experts. Proven that green tea can absorb the body fat and cholesterol as well as accelerate the process of actual. Fat is converted to energy. Weight will awake and slowly going down.
  • For those who had problems with the teeth, the benefits of green tea polyphenols with him is the right solution. These polyphenols are anti-bacterial and will prevent diseases of the teeth appear. Germs that cause damage will also be dibasminya. Consumption is also important for those who have trouble with a foul mouth odor.
  • When experiencing food poisoning, immediately drink green tea as a handle. Green tea works as a toxin that can kill germs of diseases that become the cause of the poisoning.
  • In addition to cancer, for which hypertension was green tea is very beneficial to reducing blood pressure. According to his research, high blood pressure is slowly going down along with his green tea is consumed.
  • His ability in preventing various diseases will certainly make Your long lifespan. Highly recommended konsumsinya 3 times a day. Keep in mind, that Japan as a country whose people avidly consume green tea, has a low mortality rate. The average age of its people long.

many benefits of Green tea also has the weakness. Green tea also contains cafein. This could make you insomnia as one of the side effects. So, drinking regularly but not to much. For those who have the disease should be discussed first with the doctor in order the benefits of green tea can be taken as healing is not oppose the medical treatment.

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